What should modern male make to maintain his sexual drive for a longer time?
Andrologists claim that each male has sexual potential for 15 women and not just for one. They say this reserve of sexual drive helped humanity to survive.
Potency decrease in 60% cases is connected with various diseases, 30% cases are caused by fears and incorrect partner's behaviour, 10% cases have mixed causes.
Wine arouses desire but makes it impossible to realize it. 50 gramms of strong drink daily leads to potency decrease. To assimilate alcohol, liver actively uses male hormone testosterone and turns it into female hormone estrogen. With age, potency decreases in males, instead - their breast increases.
Nicotine kills desire. The experiment, which involved 3,000 men aged 25 – 35, revealed that smokers make sex fewer than 6 times a month, and in comparison with them, non-smoker males make sex two times more often.
Life behind the wheel and daily road jolting lead to disturbed circulation in genitalia and congested prostate inflammation. When you have no possibility to drive on good roads, you must choose good and comfortable cars which would protect you from unnecessary vibration.
Males should not consume more than 100 gramms of soymeals daily because they contain phytoestrogens which are similar to female hormone estrogen. Their excesses aggravates sperm quality and may cause infertility.
Researchers from Harvard claim that chemicals of phthalate group containing in perfumes and creams may cause impotence. Use organic cosmetics without chemicals.
Testoserone production achieves maximum at 25 – 30 years. With age it reduces by 1-2% annually and by 80 years is 40% of 25-th year old male! But it never goes down to zero!
Sperm of males who use cell phones more than four hours daily loses 30% of its best properties. Microwaves radiated by cell phones reduce amount and movability of sperm.
Only 10% of males with potency problems go to the doctor. Other 90% refuse from sexual life considering themselves impotents. However, andrologists say that there are thousand and one ways to bring back sexual drive!
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