In life of any man and woman occur periods of abstinence from sex. Is sexual abstinence harmful? Do people live these periods identically? How much time one may abstain from sex without risks for his health and safe for the people around? Let us see.
Is it true that abstinence from sex may have negative effects on human behavior?
People who lack culture of human communication understanding do really believe that hot temper and aggressiveness of their colleagues, acquaintances or friends is caused by their possible sexual unsatisfaction. Possibly, it is true. However, there is no point to claim it exactly. Irritancy, hot temper and aggressiveness are signs of personal human qualities showing, which often has nothing to do with sexual abstinence.
Some males who abstain from sex start consuming alcohol in excessive amounts. After some time it becomes a real replacement for true communication and sex. Unfortunately, not all males come back to normal life as not all males may get rid of such bad habit as alcohol.
What factors lead to sexual abstinence?
There are physiological, psychological and social factors which may cause temporal or permanent sexual abstinence. It may be unhappy sexual experience, lack of self-confidence, no job, inherent or acquired personal qualities, physical traumas, no worthy partner, death of beloved person, various illnesses (not necessarily in genital sphere, but also cardiovascular diseases). Also sexual abstinence is caused by forced isolation (hospital, prison).
On what depends reaction on sexual abstinence? Why some people become dangerous for society, while others do not show any reaction?
There are different factors influencing human behavior. For example, temperament. Melancholics may have problems with adaptation to this situation. People with this temperament may have neuroses, depression, and may even start taking drugs or alcohol. Sanguine persons would try to find way out and finally soultion would be found – this solution would be a new partner or just switching his attention over other life problems. Choleric persons are disposed to go to extremes. Under conditions of sexual abstinence those persons may become addicted to alcohol. Or may become autors of a masterpiece. Phlegmatic person may not observe that he did not had sex for a long time, therefore there will be no visible changes in his behavior.
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