Medical officers determined that testosterone rate in male body varies greatly throughout the day. The highest rate of this hormone is at 4 AM and lowest rate at 5 PM. However, there exist particular norms of testosterone rate in a male.
Excess amount of testosterone is harmful for a male as well as its deficiency. Usually men with androgynous failure are diagnosed at the early age, or vise versa, it is found in men over 45. It may be inherent or acquired after treatment of male diseases.
Special analysis helps to detect testosterone rate in the body. However, body shows it lacks testosterone with next symptoms:
- men feels upset
- no sexual desire
- apathy
- loss of muscle mass
- bad mood
Males experiencing these symptoms should go to the doctor.
Main causes of testosterone rate lowering:
- bad ecology
- alcohol
- smoking
- stress
- sedentary lifestyle
- male diseases
It is not a secret that testosterone rate may be increased with the help of medications. For example, sportsmen take such medications to increase their muscle mass quickly in order to get desirable athletic body. But andrologists strictly prevent from self-treatment when the talk is about hormones. Only doctor may decide is it necessary to increase artificially testosterone rate or not. Excess amount of testosterone may lead to drastic consequences for the body (potency loss, infertility).
That is why you should not strive for Arnold Schwarzenegger look because this is harmful for your body. It is better to get athletic body with long trainings in the gym instead of using hormones and then for years to suffer from that.
In order to increase testosterone rate naturally a male should consume daily coarse-grained bread, brown rice, green leaf vegetables, celeriac, cheese, tuna, chicken breast, sea foods, vegetable oil. Vitamin B is needed. Consume less alcohol and meat products. You should sleep not less than 8 hors daily, have regularly morning sex, walks and make regular exercises.
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