Nowadays more than 50 million of men have made vasectomy (sterilization). That is about 5% of married men in reproductive age. If we compare it with women, you should know that 15% of families choose female sterilization as birth control method.
Vasectomy is a male operation to make a man sterile (unable to child fetation). This is the most popular method of male contraception for life. According to statistics, in the USA every sixth male over 35 years was exposed to the operation. In some countries female sterilization and female contraception precede vasectomy by popularity.
Male sterilization is an easy way to prevent from unplanned pregnancy, it is 100% effective and relatively safe method, that has no influence on sexual life. However, preventing from pregnancy, vasectomy is not protecting from sexually transmitted diseases.
Essence of the procedure
The essence of vasectomy is to prevent sperm hitting into ejaculate that is eliminated during sex. Sperm containing male reproductive cells is produced in testes. Moving via spermoducts it is hitting other testes glands where it is mixing with ejaculate. In consequence of vasectomy those spermoducts are cut and blocked. So hitting of sperm into ejaculate is prevented and it is just utilized by organism. Naturally, fetation without sperm is impossible.
Existing Techniques
Usually the operation lasts 30-40 minutes. Traditional method means that one side of the cod should be injected with anaesthetic. Then doctor makes there two small discissions and cuts spermducts and removes a small part of them. The ends of canals are tied and cod cuts are sewed. The same is performed on another side too.
Sometimes operation is performed without making cuts. With a special device doctor makes a small prick, stretches skin, cuts and tires ends of spermoducts. In this case blood loss is less and there is no need in stitching. This is a new method, it is less painful and causes less complications in comparison to traditional operation.
Is it painful?
To perform operation more often is used local anaesthesia what makes operation less painful. It is noticed just low discomfort caused by anaesthetic injection and when doctor pulls canal via cut. After operation several days you will feel bad. Minimum for one day is prescribed bed regime. Operations without scalpel are not so painful. Special bandage supporting cod, cold compresses and anaesthetics that do not contain aspirin stanch your pain. Follow doctor's instructions and everything will be okay.
Operations of both types can cause complications. Serious side effects occur rarely. Usually they are connected with infection (infection can be brought via cut or via canals). Address your doctor if you have next symptoms of infection: high temperature, issue of blood, pyorrhea from cut, great pain and inflammation.
Other possible problems:
1) bruise (soon after operation it passes off). In rare cases hematoma occurs. So there is need in medical screening.
2) Sperm keeps on flowing from spermoducts in 18% of cases after operation. As a result under skin can be formed a bump (granuloma). Granuloma resolves by itself, but sometimes there is need in surgical intercourse.
3) More rarely occurs abscess.
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