Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Low Testosterone and Your Sex Life

Having a low testosterone level can affect your energy level and your mood. Most men who have low testosterone also report having a diminished sex drive and trouble getting and maintaining an erection, also called erectile dysfunction. Low testosterone is a common condition that's often overlooked because its symptoms are similar to those of many other health issues. Despite the impact that it can have on their lives and sexual relationships, most men with low testosterone are not getting treated.

Studies have suggested that 2 million to 13 million men in the United States have low testosterone, with increasing age as the primary risk factor. Decreased energy, loss of sex drive, or libido, and erectile dysfunction are the three most common symptoms of low testosterone.

The Impact of Low Testosterone on Your Sex Life

"Testosterone is essential to sexual function, through effects on both the brain and sexual organs. Studies demonstrate a reduction in frequency, amplitude, and rigidity of erection in men with low testosterone. Testosterone also affects energy level, which may contribute to a decreased interest in sex," says Dr. Fenig.

Many men with type 2 diabetes also have symptoms of low testosterone, and yet a survey released by the American Diabetes Association found that many men with low testosterone and erectile dysfunction were unaware that they had a treatable condition and felt frustrated, but had not talked about the issue with their doctors or sexual partners.

Talking to Your Partner About Low Testosterone

For many men, sex is a difficult issue to talk about with their spouse or partner. Many men feel embarrassed and may lack the skills to bring up these issues.

“While some men are uncomfortable discussing sexual issues with their partner, it can be comforting to know there may be a medical reason for decreased libido or energy,” Fenig says. "This affects the sex life of both partners and becomes a ‘couples’ issue. For that reason, men should be encouraged to discuss their feelings with their partners and, if diagnosed with low testosterone, discuss potential treatment options."

Here are some other tips that can help:

    Your partner’s worried, too. If you have noticed a problem with your sex life, your partner probably has, too. He or she may interpret this as a lack of interest — or a sign of interest in someone else. The longer you delay getting the problem out in the open, the more damage it can do to your relationship.
    Find the right time. It's best to tell your partner ahead of time that you have an important concern, and then plan a time when you can talk in total privacy without interruptions.
    Get the facts. If you're reading this, you already have some information to work with. Low testosterone is a medical problem, not a sign of weakness, and in most cases, it can be treated. The more you and your partner know about low testosterone, the easier it is to deal with.
    Work together. Low testosterone is a health issue you can address together. You may want to ask your partner to go with you to your doctor's appointment. Develop a plan of action and get started.

“Most men will be surprised about how willing their partner is to discuss sexual matters with them and how supportive they can be through the treatment process," Fenig notes. "In addition, previously unrecognized issues regarding female sexual dysfunction may be present, which can also be evaluated by an appropriate specialist."

If you're an older man, you may think a decreased interest in sex is normal. But although there is a gradual decline in testosterone as men age, any loss of interest in sex can be a sign of a medical problem and should be discussed with your doctor. It is not an inevitable part of growing older.

Getting Help for Low Testosterone

"If a man suspects he is experiencing low testosterone, it’s important he see a physician, as there are many ways to diagnose and treat the condition,” says Fenig. “I have had success treating low testosterone and erectile dysfunction patients with testosterone supplementation using gel, patches, or injectable anabolic steroids. Combining supplementation with medications for erectile dysfunction often results in optimal improvement in sexual wellness."

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