In your journey of using anabolic steroids, you will almost certainly fall victim to steroids side effects at some point. It is almost impossible to not fall victim of at least one or two steroids side effects. The spectrum of side effects associated with steroid use is so broad, that avoiding all of the side effects isn’t going to happen in your trial and error of steroid use. The good news is the steroids side effects we are about to list, can be limited or controlled using a variety of medications. Some will limit the occurrences; some will prevent them altogether, other cannot be avoided even if low doses of steroids are taken and need to be expected. The side effects will range from temporary, to possibly permanent but we will do our best here to state what needs to be taken to prevent the steroids side effects and why the sides may become apparent. The good news is that many of these steroids side effects will be avoided if you’re a healthy adult with a good diet rich in nutrient foods.
Cause – This is caused by anabolic steroids that aromatase to estrogen. This process then raises estrogen levels in the body and causes breast tissue growth by increasing cell proliferation and differentiation. Estrogen is not the sole cause of gynecomastia, prolactin is also a culprit, so anabolic steroids that increase prolactin, such as, Deca-Durabolin and Trenbolone can pose a risk or a greater risk if combined with aromatasing steroids.
Prevention – The best way to combat gynecomastia is to use an Aromatase Inhibitor, such as, Arimidex, Letrozole or Exmestane (Aromasin). These drugs will keep estrogen in normal ranges and not let it get wildly out of control when using cycle in aromotasable steroids. Another alternative is a Selective-Estrogen-Receptor-Modulator (SERM), an example of this is Tamoxifen Citrate (Nolvadex). This works by preventing the estrogen receptor from activating and renders it useless.
Cause – This is often, again, caused by estrogen and also dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Acne occurs when we have large amounts of estrogen, DHT or androgenic steroids present in the body, such as, Testosterone. Acne is determined by the sebaceous glands enlarging, inflaming and becoming blocked. It is a genetically pre-disposed condition and those who get acne in puberty often also suffer when using anabolic steroids.
Prevention – Avoiding DHT derived steroids, controlling estrogen, using mild androgens and limiting doses to low/moderate will all aid in preventing acne occurring. Washing regularly will prevent oil building up and using salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide and vitamin A (retin) creams and gels will also aid. In extreme cases oral anti-biotic can be taken, as well as Isotretinion (Accutane) but a doctor’s guidance is needed using Accutane and regular blood work due to its direct toxicity.
Hair Loss:
Cause – This is when DHT attacks the hair follicles in the scalp and causes them to deteriote and hair loss to occur. This steroid side effect usually comes from using DHT derived steroids directly, but can also appear from using compounds, such as, Testosterone, where DHT builds up gradually from conversion. This steroids side effect will not appear in all steroid users, but only the ones who are genetically pre-disposed to male-pattern-baldness (MPB). If it’s not in your genetics to lose your hair when you age, then this side effect is not applicable. Anabolic steroids will only speed the process of MPB and accelerate it, not cause it per se.
Prevention – The easiest and safest way to avoid MPB is to avoid using DHT derived steroids and to not use large amounts of anabolic steroids where DHT levels may rise. If all else fails then using a 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor, such as, Finasteride, Dutastride or Propecia will reduce DHT levels and prevent them from destroying the hair follicles. These are anti-androgens and can also affect the gains of your steroid cycle negatively so should be used sparingly.
Prostate Enlargement:
Causes – This is caused by both DHT and lately research has pointed to this occurring from estrogen also. If you suffer from DHT related side effects, such as an enlarged prostate, its best to avoid both DHT related steroids and estrogen increasing steroids that aromatase. Do not use steroids if you suffer from prostate enlargement.
Prevention – Controlling DHT and estrogen can both be done by using a 5-AR inhibitor, such as, Finastride or Aromasin respectively. This can also be done by choice of anabolic steroids and using low to moderate doses. DHT and estrogen receptors are both causative factors in the enlargement of the prostate and cause cell proliferation and differentiation. Omega 3, CQ-10 and Saw Palmetto all help keep the prostate healthy.
Testosterone Inhibition:
Cause – Unfortunately all steroids will cause the body’s own testosterone to be inhibited because of the way they act on the brain, specifically hypothalamus. The body will sense that steroids are being injected and will lower or stop its own production of testosterone. It does this because it’s an efficient organism – this cannot be avoided. Suppression of endogenous testosterone production will vary from steroid to steroids, but the worst offenders are compounds, such as, Trenbolone and Deca-Durabolin. Hypogonadism (low testosterone) will appear rapidly when these steroids are used.
Prevention – When we use steroids, such as, Deca-Durabolin, Trenbolone and Equipoise, they will impair are own natural testosterone production, so we need to simply replace the body’s own lost production with Testosterone derived steroids – Testosterone Enanthate, Testosterone Cypionate or the shorter acting Testosterone Propionate are all excellent alternatives.
Cause – This is caused by anabolic steroids that aromatase to estrogen. This process then raises estrogen levels in the body and causes breast tissue growth by increasing cell proliferation and differentiation. Estrogen is not the sole cause of gynecomastia, prolactin is also a culprit, so anabolic steroids that increase prolactin, such as, Deca-Durabolin and Trenbolone can pose a risk or a greater risk if combined with aromatasing steroids.
Prevention – The best way to combat gynecomastia is to use an Aromatase Inhibitor, such as, Arimidex, Letrozole or Exmestane (Aromasin). These drugs will keep estrogen in normal ranges and not let it get wildly out of control when using cycle in aromotasable steroids. Another alternative is a Selective-Estrogen-Receptor-Modulator (SERM), an example of this is Tamoxifen Citrate (Nolvadex). This works by preventing the estrogen receptor from activating and renders it useless.
Cause – This is often, again, caused by estrogen and also dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Acne occurs when we have large amounts of estrogen, DHT or androgenic steroids present in the body, such as, Testosterone. Acne is determined by the sebaceous glands enlarging, inflaming and becoming blocked. It is a genetically pre-disposed condition and those who get acne in puberty often also suffer when using anabolic steroids.
Prevention – Avoiding DHT derived steroids, controlling estrogen, using mild androgens and limiting doses to low/moderate will all aid in preventing acne occurring. Washing regularly will prevent oil building up and using salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide and vitamin A (retin) creams and gels will also aid. In extreme cases oral anti-biotic can be taken, as well as Isotretinion (Accutane) but a doctor’s guidance is needed using Accutane and regular blood work due to its direct toxicity.
Hair Loss:
Cause – This is when DHT attacks the hair follicles in the scalp and causes them to deteriote and hair loss to occur. This steroid side effect usually comes from using DHT derived steroids directly, but can also appear from using compounds, such as, Testosterone, where DHT builds up gradually from conversion. This steroids side effect will not appear in all steroid users, but only the ones who are genetically pre-disposed to male-pattern-baldness (MPB). If it’s not in your genetics to lose your hair when you age, then this side effect is not applicable. Anabolic steroids will only speed the process of MPB and accelerate it, not cause it per se.
Prevention – The easiest and safest way to avoid MPB is to avoid using DHT derived steroids and to not use large amounts of anabolic steroids where DHT levels may rise. If all else fails then using a 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor, such as, Finasteride, Dutastride or Propecia will reduce DHT levels and prevent them from destroying the hair follicles. These are anti-androgens and can also affect the gains of your steroid cycle negatively so should be used sparingly.
Prostate Enlargement:
Causes – This is caused by both DHT and lately research has pointed to this occurring from estrogen also. If you suffer from DHT related side effects, such as an enlarged prostate, its best to avoid both DHT related steroids and estrogen increasing steroids that aromatase. Do not use steroids if you suffer from prostate enlargement.
Prevention – Controlling DHT and estrogen can both be done by using a 5-AR inhibitor, such as, Finastride or Aromasin respectively. This can also be done by choice of anabolic steroids and using low to moderate doses. DHT and estrogen receptors are both causative factors in the enlargement of the prostate and cause cell proliferation and differentiation. Omega 3, CQ-10 and Saw Palmetto all help keep the prostate healthy.
Testosterone Inhibition:
Cause – Unfortunately all steroids will cause the body’s own testosterone to be inhibited because of the way they act on the brain, specifically hypothalamus. The body will sense that steroids are being injected and will lower or stop its own production of testosterone. It does this because it’s an efficient organism – this cannot be avoided. Suppression of endogenous testosterone production will vary from steroid to steroids, but the worst offenders are compounds, such as, Trenbolone and Deca-Durabolin. Hypogonadism (low testosterone) will appear rapidly when these steroids are used.
Prevention – When we use steroids, such as, Deca-Durabolin, Trenbolone and Equipoise, they will impair are own natural testosterone production, so we need to simply replace the body’s own lost production with Testosterone derived steroids – Testosterone Enanthate, Testosterone Cypionate or the shorter acting Testosterone Propionate are all excellent alternatives.
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