A new study debunked the popular belief that sexual relations in the last weeks of pregnancy can lead to preterm labor.
Data collected by researchers from Ohio State University Medical Center, indicate rather the opposite: future mother who refuses to have sex in the last weeks of pregnancy produced children born on average later than those who abstain from sexual relations. In the first group, the average length of gestation was 39.9 weeks, while the second - only 39.3 weeks.
The study involved 93 women attending gynecology from the 37th week of pregnancy. 47 of them said that they continue to have sex with their partners. Thus, the number is not abstaining from sex in late pregnancy among women was 50.5% - more than in any of previous similar studies.
Measurement of cervical cancer conducted participants did not reveal any relationship between the state of the cervix and sexual activity of women.
According to the coordinator of the research project of Dr. Jonathan Shaffira, a sign of the approaching early birth may be discomfort in the abdomen and the pressure in the pelvic cavity. Such feelings do not have to have sex, which probably explains the identified during the study the correlation between abstinence from sexual relations, and relatively more rapid resolution of the burden.
In any case, the results clearly indicate that sexual activity in the later stages of pregnancy can cause premature birth, says Shaffir.
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