Some men think that potency problems are connected only with penis. In fact, everything is more complicated. Erectile dysfunction is not a disease, but a complication of existing ones. It is impossible that an absolutely healthy male became impotent.
Male sexual drive reflects everything occurring in the male body: hormonal shifts, misperfusion, breaks in nervous system, psychological problems. It is considered that sexual problems in males under 40 are psychological, and in males over 40 those problems are connected with blood vessels.
Andrologists say that genetically in each male is put a great sexual potential, so called 15-fold strength reserve. In other words, each male is able to satisfy 15 women and exactly that helped humanity to survive. Unfortunately, today males have a contemptuous attitude towards their sexual reserves and as a result some males lose it by 60 years old
What lowers male sex drive?
1. Irregular sex life, especially after 30 years. As other organs, genitalia also needs “training”. Popular theories about sexual abstinence, which thought to improve potency, turned to be wrong. Multiple studies showed that regular sex improves quality and quantity of sperm cells, and also improves potency.
2. Repeated sexually transmitted infections. Though modern antibiotics help to get rid of gonorrhea and syphillis just in a week, however those infections reduce male potency.
3. Untreated or incorrectly treated diseases of male reproductive organs: urethritis, prostatitis, vesiculitis, epididymoorchitis, orchitis, etc.
Other factors leading to potency lowering:
- ischemic heart disease
- hypertension
- endocrine disorders
- diabetes
- adenoma
- psychoneurology diseases
- some medications
- drugs, smoking, alcohol
- sedentary lifestyle
- stress
- poor ecology
- unhealthy diet
- poor sleeping
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