Monday, July 21, 2014

The Side Effects Of Anabolic Steroids: Truth Or Myth?

One of the most controversial topics of conversation within the sporting world is the use of anabolic steroids. The debates range from the question of fairness within professional sports, to topics such as the short and long term reported health effects.

The Side Effects Of Anabolic Steroids: Truth Or A Myth?

As with many things in life, the utilisation of anabolic steroids does not come without potential adverse effects. For the purpose of this article, we’re now going to leave the debate of whether steroids are right or wrong from a moral viewpoint behind and concentrate purely on the medical issues surrounding steroid use.

Adverse effects can be seen to target numerous regions of the human body. From a cardiovascular perspective, this can include elevated blood pressure and decreased myocardial functioning. It has also been reported to affect the endocrine system, in the form of testicular atrophy and impotence. From a hepatic perspective, they can enhance the risk of liver tumors and damage. Additional side effects include; acne, baldness, increased risk of tendon tears and numerous psychological problems.

It has been suggested that these adverse effects are often focused upon by individuals in the medical and scientific professions, who at the same time also undervalue the potential benefits of anabolic steroids, in order to create fear amongst the athletic population and decrease their use.

Recently, these sentiments have been echoed by Berning et al (2004) who suggested that the adverse effects and potential medical issues associated with anabolic steroids are somewhat overstated and far fetched.

So how much truth is in this debate? It should be noted that some of the adverse effects of anabolic steroids are by no means minor ailments and that their impact on the human body could be life changing – but how likely is this? All medication nowadays comes with a throwaway manual warning you of its potential dangers, but realistically, how often do they actually occur?

One of the major issues when even beginning to contemplate answering these questions is that the majority of research investigations into this topic lack both validity and conclusiveness. To state the results are limited would be a huge understatement, to say the least.

For example, many research investigations don’t mimic real life situations or even apply to the athletic community. Whilst professional athletes are often involved in long term cycling of anabolic steroids, utilising high dosages and often stacking various drug combinations together, this type of drug trialling is not found in conventional research.

The argument supporting the adverse effects of anabolic steroids isn’t made any easier by research concluding that many of the reported side effects are also reversible upon cessation.

Before providing our final summary from information provided within this article, it is important to once again direct your attention to our initial disclaimer at the top of the article.
Final Word

Regardless of whether anabolic steroids are morally right or wrong, they have created a situation within the sporting world where they can massively impact upon sporting performance. However, anabolic steroids come with a huge health warning, irrespective of whether this status has been achieved through scare mongering tactics.

Do anabolic steroids offer an equal balance of positives and negatives? Does one outweigh the other or vice versa? Individuals have suggested that the adverse effects of anabolic steroids are often both overrated and overemphasised. This argument is indirectly supported through research investigations, which are unable to show a link between steroid use and serious adverse effects. Furthermore, reports also suggest that any effects might be reversible on cessation of drug administration.

There is absolutely no doubting the effectiveness of anabolic steroids in the pursuit of excellence, especially in sports requiring strength, speed and power. The same unfortunately cannot be said for the adverse effects, with a huge gap in this research field. The research that is available often lacks control, making any cause and effect relationship between steroids and adverse effects almost impossible to gage.

Until this balance is readdressed, can we really expect individuals and athletes alike to sit up and take notice of these potential dangers? In the competitive sporting world that exists, I think this question answers itself.

So, now we want to hear your views:

    Have you, or would you ever consider taking anabolic steriods?
    If so, did you encounter any side effects?
    How about any positive effects they brought about?
    Which camp are you in – legalise steroids in sport or should hard work and dedication be enough?

Let us know in the comments section below, we are eager to hear what you have to say on the matter.

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